Coaching on 206 S16 or BMW 318 Ti
Coaching on 206 S16 or BMW 318 Ti
Coaching on 206 S16 or BMW 318 Ti
Coaching on 206 S16 or BMW 318 Ti

Coaching on 206 S16 or BMW 318 Ti

Progress with this private lesson, one full day with Fabrice Morel at your side :

Enjoy 20 years of professional experience and that 13 years as a rally driving instructor and graduate BPJEPS DEJEPS.

The objective is to adapt to your level and improve performance on the Rally track of Pôle Mécanique d'Alès en Cévennes.

RIVE 2017

PPAC a été primé
« Flotte Écologique »

  • Coach
  • 1/2 Journée
    1/2 Journée


Data sheet

Véhicules utilisés 206 GrN + BMW 325 ti Durée de la prestation Demi-journée ou journée Type de produit Coaching personnalisé Transmission Traction Piste Asphalte


En savoir plus

Tutoring program at Rally:

For this 100Km running you will put into practice the driving techniques on the track rally (4 Kms).

During one day, come work and learn professional techniques of a rally driver on the single track built in Europe as a special rally !!!

For this system to control data acquisition (20 + acquired dévelloppé by us) we will correct and better understanding of different techniques

Our car park (traction and propulsion)

S16 * 206 or BMW 318 Ti (including: renting the track, vehicle, monitor performance, RC pilot)

* 206 equipped with a data acquisition system driver and S16 chassis developed by CHP

This course is open to beginners and rally drivers as well as experienced people "no" pilots who made the driving courses "classic"